Eleanor Roosevelt’s Battle to End Lynching

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. As we celebrate Black History Month, it is a good time to explore one of Eleanor Roosevelt’s most outspoken campaigns, and one of her greatest disappointments. Throughout American history issues of race and civil rights have challenged our most precious core principal – that all people are created … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt’s Battle to End Lynching

Happy Birthday Franklin Roosevelt

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. Birthdays are always a good time to take stock and look back. On this, the 134th anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s birth, it is important to remember what made him so special. He was born at Springwood, the family home in Hyde Park. It was a difficult birth on … Continue reading Happy Birthday Franklin Roosevelt

The “Four Freedoms” speech remastered

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. There is only one speech in American history that inspired a multitude of books and films, the establishment of its own park, a series of paintings by a world famous artist, a prestigious international award and a United Nation’s resolution on Human Rights. That speech is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s … Continue reading The “Four Freedoms” speech remastered

The True Story Behind the Most Important Speech of the 20th Century

By Paul Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. One day before the 74th anniversary of President Roosevelt’s historic address to Congress in response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor it is important to examine the true meaning of the speech, and how it came to be. It is rare when a presidential speech transcends the political … Continue reading The True Story Behind the Most Important Speech of the 20th Century

A Cornerstone of our Democracy

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. On November 19, 1939, the cornerstone for the Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum was laid in a very public ceremony. In front of an audience of nearly 1,000 people Roosevelt spoke about his personal connection to the land on which the library was built. He described his vision … Continue reading A Cornerstone of our Democracy

The Most Important Presidential Election in History

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. There is always a lively debate when people discuss “the most important” presidential elections in American history. Abraham Lincoln’s victory in 1860 and his leadership during the Civil War, the peaceful transfer of power from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson in 1800, and the 1932 election of Franklin … Continue reading The Most Important Presidential Election in History

“I Have Returned!” – General MacArthur and FDR

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. On Oct. 20, 1944 Gen. Douglas MacArthur waded ashore on Leyte Island in the Philippines and fulfilled his promise to return. The charismatic and dashing General was one of the most famous American military leaders in the world and his dramatic return to his beloved Philippines was a … Continue reading “I Have Returned!” – General MacArthur and FDR

It’s Time to put Eleanor Roosevelt on the $10 bill

By Paul M. Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. The many faces that grace American currency are all men. Most of them are presidents who made great contributions to the history of the United States. But they represent only 50% of our population. The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Jacob Lew, has started a public conversation about … Continue reading It’s Time to put Eleanor Roosevelt on the $10 bill

Defending Fala – A Lesson in Effective Campaigning

By Paul Sparrow, Director, FDR Library. As we enter into the quadrennial campaign for the White House, it is informative to look back at one of Franklin Roosevelt’s most memorable campaign moments. There were many, as he was a ferocious campaigner who loved being on the hustings, but one of the most effective concerned his … Continue reading Defending Fala – A Lesson in Effective Campaigning