Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: April 8-14

April 14, 1939 "WASHINGTON, Thursday—Yesterday afternoon I received the new Ambassador from Brazil and his wife, and the new Ambassador from Venezuela and his wife. As we sat and talked, I suddenly realized how much all our minds run in the same direction these days. For, before very long, we were talking of the situation … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: April 8-14

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: April 1-7

April 6, 1962 "ST. LOUIS...On April 9 the Children's Bureau of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare will celebrate its 50th year of service to the nation's children. I can remember well the hard work on the part of many women that went into the establishment of this agency. It was the feeling of … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: April 1-7

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 22-31

"WASHINGTON, Wednesday—Last night's meeting of the National Library for the Blind was quite an inspiring occasion. Miss Helen Keller's efforts for those who are similarly affected and her willingness to give of herself was a very touching sight. She spoke of the few books that were available in Braille when she was in college and … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 22-31

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 15-21

March 20, 1958 "NEW YORK—I don't know how you feel about it, but shooting all these new satellites into space and having them wandering around is beginning to make me feel that we are perhaps going to have unexpected developments! Man is interfering with whatever coordinated plan there may be in the present natural universe. … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 15-21

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 8-14

March 10, 1939 "FORT WORTH, Texas, Friday...I was met by a young girl reporter on the train, an intense and vivid personality and one who voiced a desire which cheered me greatly. She wanted to know what young women could do to serve the cause of their country and of democracy. That is a spirit … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 8-14

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 22-29

February 25, 1952 "KARACHI, Pakistan, Sunday...The All-Pakistan Women's Association showed me also a small maternity clinic which they started in a refugee camp under considerable difficulties, since water in the area is only turned on for two hours in the morning and two at night and they have no running water as yet in the … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 22-29

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 15-21

February 18, 1960 "NEW YORK—Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev took the opportunity of his visit to India to attack foreign aid given by the United States as being purely selfish, whereas that given by the Soviet Union is, by implication, unselfish. As a matter of fact, foreign aid given by any nation is never totally unselfish, … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 15-21

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 8-14

February 9, 1948 "HYDE PARK, Sunday—I went to speak for one of the Y.M.C.A. groups at New York University Medical College late Friday afternoon, and I was interested to see that a good cross section of our New York City population was represented in the audience. There were Protestants, Catholics and Jews, as well as … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 8-14

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 1-7

February 2, 1938 "WASHINGTON, Tuesday—We had movies for ten very well-behaved children yesterday afternoon. I decided the industry has learned how to appeal to the young, for even the one-and-half year old children sat perfectly quiet for three-quarters of an hour. I learned another lesson, and that is children do not consider they have received … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 1-7