Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 22-31

August 23, 1955 "TOKYO, Aug. 23—The other morning we went to the big fish market, which is really quite a sight. There were enormous pieces of tuna fish, fascinating green crabs and more fish of every size, shape and description than I have ever seen. They hold an auction early in the morning for the … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 22-31

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 15-21

August 19, 1939 "HYDE PARK, Friday—...I have noticed some comment in the newspapers on the change of the Thanksgiving Day date and today I get a most amusing letter attributing this change to a desire to help a certain race in this country, which is credited, in this note, with doing most of the "trading" … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 15-21

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 8-14

August 10, 1944 "HYDE PARK, Wednesday—...Business is desperately important to us now. It should be given every legitimate help because we want the business enterprises of the country to continue to function at top production. We do not want this primarily, however, so that unlimited profits can be made on investments. We want the jobs … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 8-14

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 1-7

August 2, 1938 "PATCHOGUE, N.Y., Monday—...I've also read all of the report and some of the speeches made at the health conference, which was held at Washington during the third week of July. It seems to me that many points of view were presented but that it was perhaps too big a gathering for real … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: August 1-7

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 22-31

July 24, 1937 "HYDE PARK, Friday—...I received the other day an appeal from an organization which had as its purpose the removal from all employment of any married women whose husbands earned enough to support them. Who is to say when a man earns enough to support his family? Who is to know, except the … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 22-31

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 8-14

July 10, 1956 "NEW YORK—In spite of gray skies, we decided to have the Wiltwyck School picnic Saturday morning. It was not actually raining, as it was on Thursday and Friday, and we hoped it would hold off until after the children had at least eaten their picnic lunch, as they then could go over … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 8-14

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 1-7

July 4, 1944 "HYDE PARK, Monday—...The fathers of our country were young men when they wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence—it was a young man's document and it expressed the faith and hope and ideals of youth. Ex-President Hoover, in his speech the other night, said that the Republican Party recognized that this was … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: July 1-7

Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: June 22-30

June 29, 1936 "HYDE PARK—The trip to Philadelphia went quickly and we had the amusing experience of hearing over the radio the announcement of our own arrival. Without thinking, I went out on the platform of the car to see if Anna and John and Franklin, Jr., who were to meet us there had arrived … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: June 22-30