On December 4, 2013, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library launched FRANKLIN. What is FRANKLIN you ask? FRANKLIN is a virtual research room and digital repository that provides free and open access to the digitized collections of the Roosevelt Library – to everyone, anywhere in the world. Whether you are a lover of history, a student working on a school … Continue reading FRANKLIN IS HERE!!!!!
Author: fdrlibrary
The Roosevelts and the Kennedys
The ties between the Roosevelt and Kennedy families go back to World War I when Franklin D. Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the Navy. In November 1917, Joseph P. Kennedy was the Assistant General Manager of the Fore River Shipbuilding Corporation in Quincy, Massachusetts, when a labor strike threatened the company’s contribution to the Navy’s … Continue reading The Roosevelts and the Kennedys
The 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: FDR’s View
Today, one hundred-fifty years later, we pause to remember one of the greatest speeches ever made by a US President: Abraham Lincoln’s poetically beautiful Gettysburg Address, given November 19, 1863, upon the dedication of the National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. On July 3, 1938, speaking on the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, President … Continue reading The 150th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: FDR’s View
Happy Halloween!
Eleanor Roosevelt - "My Day" I went to the United Nations the other afternoon to be photographed with some of the children who are taking part in the Halloween Trick or Treat program for the benefit for UNICEF. UNICEF stands for the U.N. International Children's Fund. The "E" used to be for "emergency," but while … Continue reading Happy Halloween!
The FDR Library is open!
Congress has restored funding of appropriated activities and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum is open for both museum visitors and researchers.
Government Shutdown
Due to the Federal Government shutdown, the FDR Library is closed. We are unable to post or participate in any of our social media channels during this closure. All National Archives facilities are closed, with the exception of the Federal Records Centers and the Federal Register until the Federal government reopens.
Farming at the FDR Library
Did you know that the land in front of the FDR Library is active farm land? President Roosevelt used the large hayfield between the Library and Route 9 (the road at the edge of the property) for farming, and he often expressed the hope that the practice would continue after his death. We continue to … Continue reading Farming at the FDR Library
A Special Kind of Program: The Roosevelt Reading Festival
This year is a year of anniversaries for the Roosevelt Library. The recent rededication of the Library building itself on June 30, 2013 marked the 72nd anniversary of the dedication of America's first presidential library -- a milestone in an ongoing effort most people refer to as "open government" today. President Roosevelt left some 17 … Continue reading A Special Kind of Program: The Roosevelt Reading Festival
An Exceptional Day
by Lynn Bassanese Most days at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum are really good; some could even be classified as great. But every once in a while a day becomes exceptional. Last Thursday, July 11th was one of those exceptional days. We were hosting 120 school counselors and college and university professionals … Continue reading An Exceptional Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum Rededication – June 30, 2013
by Lynn Bassanese, Director of the FDR Library I think FDR would have been pleased with the way we rededicated his Library this past week. It was a gathering of friends and neighbors; short speeches spoken from the heart; and a masterful storyteller, Geoffrey Ward, delighting the crowd with the story of how President Roosevelt … Continue reading Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum Rededication – June 30, 2013
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