March 26, 1960 "HYDE PARK—We have all been very much upset by the situation in South Africa. But equally upsetting has been the news from Alabama, where nine college students were 01expelled from school for their sit-down strike. A visitor came to tell me that when a sympathy strike was attempted on behalf of these … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 22-31
Category: Eleanor Roosevelt – "My Day"
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 15-21
March 20, 1941 "WASHINGTON, Wednesday —...Sometimes I think a few people are becoming a trifle hysterical. To bear this out, I shall quote here a few lines from a letter which I have just received from a lady. There is nothing peculiar about this letter. The writer just assails the President and the present Administration … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 15-21
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 8-14
March 13, 1937 "ALVA, Okla., Friday—While I was speaking this morning my eldest son called me all the way from Washington. The story which has seemed to be of greatest interest to everyone out here had reached Washington and they were worried! It was too bad that it was not absolutely accurate for it caused … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 8-14
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 1-7
March 3, 1938 "NEW YORK, Wednesday—...Do you ever find that something you hear about today, puts you in close touch with some entirely unexpected person tomorrow? I walked into the Steinway Building the other morning and was taken up to see the members of the firm and our friend Mr. Junge. After the first greetings, … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: March 1-7
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 22-29
February 27, 1939 "WASHINGTON, Sunday—...I have been debating in my mind for some time, a question which I have had to debate with myself once or twice before in my life. Usually I have decided differently from the way in which I am deciding now. The question is, if you belong to an organization and … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 22-29
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 15-21
February 21, 1942 "WASHINGTON, Friday—...Yesterday I had a chance to see Mrs. William Brown Meloney, and she gave me a quotation which ex-President Coolidge often used. It is so useful to every one of us today, that I pass it along to you. Ex-President Coolidge averred that there were four things which made New England … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 15-21
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 8-14
February 14, 1957 "MODESTO, Calif.—I am seeing new areas of the U.S. on this trip that I have not seen before. Pasco where I spoke last Monday night at a state junior college is a growing industrial town. Not far away at Richland is one of the new areas being developed as a big atomic … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 8-14
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 1-7
February 1, 1945 "WASHINGTON, Wednesday—I was very much impressed last night, as I went from birthday ball to birthday ball, by the number of men in uniform who were taking part in these celebrations. Of course, it is obvious that men who are free to do anything of this kind and who are in Washington … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: February 1-7