January 24, 1956 "NEW YORK—...It is not too early, I think, to remind my readers that the 59th anniversary of the founding of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers will be celebrated on Founder's Day, Friday, November 17. Mrs. Rollin Brown, the national president, has announced that special programs will be held in most … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 22-31
Category: Eleanor Roosevelt – "My Day"
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 15-21
January 20, 1939 "WASHINGTON, Thursday—...The State of Washington provides me with an interesting letter and a newspaper clipping this morning. My correspondent asks that I answer her question in my column. This is the question: "I am enclosing a clipping. Is this called free speech?" The clipping is from a paper called "The Statesmen Index", … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 15-21
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 8-14
January 8, 1958 "NEW YORK—I came home from Warm Springs, Ga., and the 20th anniversary celebration of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis with a feeling of great hope. I was delighted that the foundation looks upon its present achievements not as an ending, but as a beginning, and my hope is that it will … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 8-14
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 1-7
January 2, 1951 "HYDE PARK, Monday—I have just had an amusing, anonymous letter, and I am going to reproduce it here because I think it is a good note on which to start the New Year. My correspondent writes: "My dear Mrs. Roosevelt: Don't you think it is a mistake to refer to yourself as … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: January 1-7
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 22-31
December 31, 1948 "NEW YORK, Thursday—...Yesterday I was presented with the "1949 Dime Hat," which was designed and created by Dorothy Gordon to commemorate the new March of Dimes Campaign for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The brim of the hat is turned up on the left side and under the basket weave of … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 22-31
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 15-21
December 20, 1961 "NEW YORK—What can one woman do to prevent war? This is the question that comes my way in any number of letters these days. In times past, the question usually asked by women was, "How can we best help to defend our nation?" I cannot remember a time when the question on … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 15-21
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 8-14
December 8, 1941 "WASHINGTON, Sunday—I was going out in the hall to say goodbye to our cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Adams, and their children, after luncheon, and, as I stepped out of my room, I knew something had happened. All the secretaries were there, two telephones were in use, the senior military aides were … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 8-14
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 1-7
December 2, 1957 "NEW YORK—People all over the world have been asked to sign a Declaration of Conscience to observe a day of protest against South Africa's apartheid policy. An international committee, composed of more than 150 world leaders from more than 43 nations, has designated Human Rights Day, December 10, as this worldwide day … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: December 1-7
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: November 22-30
November 25, 1943 "WASHINGTON, Wednesday—...There are some on this Thanksgiving Day who will feel that everything for which they might be thankful is overshadowed by the loss of some young life, either in the process of training or in the actual fighting. But even to those who are sad, there is reason for thankfulness in … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: November 22-30
Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: November 15-21
November 15, 1947 "NEW YORK, Friday—Anyone who has ever taken a trip to some of our national parks cannot fail to recognize their value to our nation. In the first place, they preserve areas of timberland which are important to our water supply. They give protection to wildlife of all kinds. And they furnish a … Continue reading Eleanor Roosevelt – My Day: November 15-21