On January 30, the Roosevelt Library unveiled its latest initiative to harness new media technologies to reach new audiences-- an online, interactive Virtual Tour of the Museum’s 12,000 square foot permanent exhibition. The Virtual Tour lets visitors from all over the world experience the Museum and access additional educational materials. Funded by a generous grant … Continue reading New Museum Virtual Tour!
Author: fdrlibrary
Overwhelming Response to Ken Burns’ The Roosevelts: An Intimate History!!
Since Ken Burns' documentary The Roosevelts: An Intimate History aired on PBS during the week of September 14th, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum has experienced an overwhelming upsurge in interest. Museum visitation is up 25%, and the parking lots are overflowing. Visits to the Library's website jumped 650% during the week that … Continue reading Overwhelming Response to Ken Burns’ The Roosevelts: An Intimate History!!
The Roosevelt Library and Ken Burns’ “The Roosevelts: An Intimate History”
On September 14, 2014, PBS stations across the country will begin broadcasting the latest film by Ken Burns, The Roosevelts: An Intimate History. This seven-part documentary weaves together the stories of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of one of the most prominent and influential families in American politics. The 14-hour series marks the … Continue reading The Roosevelt Library and Ken Burns’ “The Roosevelts: An Intimate History”
Remembering Joseph Persico
The Library lost a dear friend and favorite researcher last week. Joseph Persico, best-selling author, historian and speechwriter for Gov. Nelson Rockefeller died at the age of 84. Persico wrote 12 books, including biographies of Rockefeller, Edward R. Murrow, CIA director William Casey and Franklin Roosevelt. He was selected to write the words etched in … Continue reading Remembering Joseph Persico
Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection
Starting on August 9th, Museum visitors will be able to experience a new traveling exhibition Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection in the William J. vanden Heuvel Special Exhibitions Gallery. This unique exhibit features a collection of more than 200 distinctive pins and explores how Secretary of State Madeleine Albright—the first woman to serve … Continue reading Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection
Around the World in 80 Days with the Roosevelts
The Roosevelt Library plans quite a trip for Summer 2014! Join us as we journey to seven continents and 95 countries for Around the World in 80 Days with the Roosevelts. Look for hundreds of internationally themed photographs, museum objects, and historic documents on the Library's Tumblr -- fdrlibrary.tumblr.com – and other social media accounts beginning Memorial Day weekend and culminating with the August … Continue reading Around the World in 80 Days with the Roosevelts
Using New Media To Expand Access to the Museum
By Herman Eberhardt, Supervisory Museum Curator The Roosevelt Library’s new 12,000 square foot $6 million permanent exhibition, which opened to the public in June 2013, features a variety of audiovisual experiences, including an array of interactive touchscreen programs. They help us tell the vital story of the Roosevelt era to new generations of Americans in … Continue reading Using New Media To Expand Access to the Museum
An Old Tradition, a New Technology: Roosevelt Still Reaching the People
by Jeff Urbin, Education Specialist Franklin Roosevelt held the first of his famous “fireside chats” just days into his presidency thereby demonstrating his understanding of the importance of bringing accurate and unfiltered information directly from the source to the people. Today, with the help of quickly evolving technology, that tradition is being continued and expanded … Continue reading An Old Tradition, a New Technology: Roosevelt Still Reaching the People
The Field Trip is Alive and Well at the Roosevelt Library
By Jeff Urbin, Education Specialist The learning begins as students enter the lobby of the Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum welcomed by the friendly smile of our nation’s thirty-second president beaming down at them from a larger-than-life photograph. What lies beyond is a museum that brings to life the story of a twelve year presidency … Continue reading The Field Trip is Alive and Well at the Roosevelt Library
A Year in Review
2013 was an amazing year for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. The three year renovation of the Library building was finished in March. We moved the archival collections, research operations, and archival staff offices back into the renovated Library from the Wallace Visitor Center where they have been located since summer 2010. In April, … Continue reading A Year in Review
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