Found in the Archives

Thinking of Sunnier Climates

The recent October nor-easter snowstorm made us all think about warmer and sunnier places. And once again, the serendipity of archives provided us with a vicarious escape from the piles of snow. In July 1934, FDR took a lengthy fishing and inspection cruise aboard the USS Houston, traveling to Haiti, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, through the Panama Canal to the Cocos Islands, and on to the Territory of Hawaii, where he toured the islands from July 24-28th before proceeding back to the US mainland.

While researching a question about FDR’s travel schedule, one of our archivists came across a wonderful booklet of period postcards from Hawaii that were sent by an admirer to the President in May 1934 in anticipation of his visit. We plan on looking at these often during the coming winter!


If you’d like to see the full itinerary of the President’s 1934 fishing cruise aboard the USS Houston, just go to the new FDR Day by Day website at the following link: