Thursday, November 18, 2010
National Issues Forum:
Economic Security: How Should We Take Charge of Our Future?
Location: Henry A. Wallace Center
Time: 7:00 p.m.
In collaboration with the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) and the Kettering Foundation, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum will host a public discussion on economic security on November 18 at 7:00 p.m. The program will take place in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home. Refreshments will be served. Following the program forum attendees will receive free admission to the Roosevelt Library’s new exhibition “OUR PLAIN DUTY”: FDR and AMERICA’S SOCIAL SECURITY. This forum is free and open to the public but pre-registration is required as space is limited.
Please call (845) 486-7745 to register.